
Undergraduate Opportunities

  • Independent research projects: Undergraduate students interested in independent research projects may be funded through any of a variety of UW fellowship programs (e.g., HilldaleHolstrom) including programs in the College of Letters and Sciences (L&S; e.g. Trewartha and Mensink awards, see the following website for details: ).  These are competitive programs, with annual application deadlines typically in January. Independent research can also be carried out for class credit-see below.
  • Students in the lab have also successfully competed for the Wisconsin Undergraduate Idea Fellowship (WIF) and for the CALS Honors scholarship.
  • Independent research projects for academic credit: Undergraduates may also participate in research programs for credit, registering for Entomology 299 or 699 depending on matriculation date. Contact Dr. Paskewitz for discussion of projects available. Note: projects all involve laboratory or field work. Library-based projects are not available.
  • Laboratory support positions: Occasionally, we have opportunities for undergraduates who want to learn how to manage mosquito colonies. These are paid, hourly positions which require some weekend work. Additional job duties vary but can include dishwashing, preparing solutions, and general cleaning. Most frequently, students carry out a mix of colony and laboratory maintenance and independent research projects.

Graduate Student Training Opportunities

Joop-2005train-employSeveral students in my laboratory have compIeted the Master’s of Public Health degree.  This degree is a non-thesis program which requires an APEX project.

I am also affiliated with the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Degree program. This means that graduate students who are doing research in my laboratory can get a degree through this program, with a minor in entomology.

The Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Degree Program is administered by the  School of Veterinary Medicine and the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison .

Alex and Lilian Feir Graduate Fellowship

  • Every 2 years, a competitive fellowship is available in the Department of Entomology for a student interested in biochemistry, molecular biology or physiology of insects. The award provides for 2 years of training.
  • Students with strong academic backgrounds are encouraged to contact Dr. Paskewitz concerning this program.

Vector Biology and Parasitology Training Grant

  • Predoctoral fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis in the areas of  vector biology, parasitology, and host/parasite interactions. Dr. Paskewitz is a trainer on this grant and opportunities for academically talented students are frequently available through this avenue.
  • For a list of other trainers and parasitology programs on campus see

Inquiry/application procedure for graduate students:   Send letter (or e-mail: ) describing academic background, research experience, and research interests to Dr. Paskewitz.  Applications/placement are seasonal, typically with exchanges of correspondence occurring during spring and summer, submission of application by November, campus visits in January/February, and notification of acceptance/placement by March-April.  Note that the UW offers excellent fellowship packages to topnotch students.  Check the Department of Entomology webpages for up to date details about submitting applications and deadlines.

Postdoctoral Opportunities

We’ll be hiring 1-2 postdoctoral associate or research scientist with expertise in modeling and statistics and in vector biology as soon as July of 2022.  Those interested should contact me directly by e-mail at:

For more information about current research projects, go to Research Description.